to create your personalized wellbeing plan!
For outpatient drug rehab programs in Tampa, Florida, turn to BoardPrep. We offer substance abuse treatment programs tailor-made to each client. Due to this, you receive the specific services necessary to overcome obstacles to a successful recovery.
You won’t find a “one-size-fits-all” approach at BoardPrep. We honor the individual and develop a plan that will help each client begin a new, addiction-free life. That process begins with a thorough, interdisciplinary evaluation that includes psychiatric, personality, and ASAM multidimensional assessments, as well as psychological and neurocognitive testing. A thorough review of medical records and the use of other tools to develop a custom rehab plan also take place. We offer both and options for outpatient rehab.
What Are Outpatient Drug Rehab Programs Like at BoardPrep?
When you enter our outpatient drug rehab programs, you will have the flexibility to return home each night after treatment. Furthermore, we can tailor your rehab plan to meet your specific concerns. As an individual, your experience with drug abuse and addiction is unique. We recognize this and ensure your safety, comfort, and proper treatment at all times. For example, outpatient drug rehab commonly consists of:
- 3-4 partial days of treatment each week with addiction treatment specialists
- Monitoring and recovery support with the assistance of mobile breathalyzer devices, biomarker sampling, and other tools to promote accountability
- A family approach, when applicable, with personal in-home family therapy sessions with our expert staff
- The option to stay in our Recovery Residence as an alternative to a day-night drug rehab program
National Best Practice Provider in Tampa, Florida
Licensed detox at BoardPrep Recovery Center® in Tampa, Florida meets the highest standards in the field. Our outpatient drug rehab programs align with national best-practice guidelines, prescribed by leading researchers. At BoardPrep, a multi-disciplinary team of experts performs each assessment. BoardPrep offers all available levels of care, thus tailoring the treatment to the individual need.
BoardPrep’s licensed medical detox includes treatment for other mental health problems. For instance, depression, anxiety, and trauma often play a big role in substance use disorders. Therefore, BoardPrep’s addiction psychiatrists continue to see patients at least weekly for the first month of outpatient drug rehab programs. Also, treatment addresses family and environmental risk issues. A licensed and experienced therapist performs weekly webinars with the families and schedules family sessions as needed.
Why Physicians Refer to BoardPrep
BoardPrep Recovery bases its’ detox program on recent advances in brain science. Additionally, when a patient is referred by their doctor, BoardPrep provides doctor to doctor communication, case management expertise, and clinician to clinician handoff. As a Vivitrol Provider, BoardPrep distinguishes itself as a state-of-the-art licensed detox.
BoardPrep Services
BoardPrep services include day-night rehab, outpatient treatment, and licensed detox with full psychiatric and psychological services. Additionally, BoardPrep experts perform in-hospital assessments, interventions, and court services. Furthermore, all programs at BoardPrep Recovery in Tampa, Florida are rooted in the 12-step model, with a robust family program and available extended care options.
How to Refer
To refer a family member, colleague, employee, client, or patient to BoardPrep, call us today. Most of our clients come to treatment through a referral from a doctor, therapist, professional, family, and alumni. If you are exploring treatment options for someone you care about, we will provide the support you need to get them into treatment. Reach out today to discuss any unique circumstances. BoardPrep offers same-day direct rehab admissions, transfers from hospital or other detox programs, phone consultations, assessments by appointment, interventions, and court services.
Seek the Help of BoardPrep
Are you seeking the best outpatient drug rehab programs in Tampa, Florida? If so, reach out to the friendly staff at BoardPrep Recovery Center® today. For more information, contact us now at 866.796.4720.