At BoardPrep Recovery Center®, we provide rehabilitation services for clients throughout the continuum of care. From early detox to aftercare options, we understand the importance of recovery options when you are trying to become sober. Spirituality in recovery helps you connect to your sense of purpose, and allows you to define connections beyond yourself. Spirituality in recovery is not the same as religion. It is finding the meaning of your life and choosing to be connected instead of feeling isolated and alone. Religion is a set of beliefs, while spirituality is a focus on a power greater than yourself. When you connect to your spirituality, positive changes can occur.
Considering Your Higher Power
A higher power means something different for everyone, whether you are in recovery or not. Your higher power can be a life force, energy, God, or anything that gets you thinking beyond yourself. In 12-step recovery, one of the messages you will hear repeatedly is to let go and let God. In this instance, God refers to your higher power, and is not designed to be a specific religious belief. Your higher power is what allows you to feel safe during your recovery, and what can protect you as you go through the process of addiction recovery. When you feel connected to a power greater than yourself, anything becomes possible again in your life.
Your higher power is a guiding energy. Some people consider their higher power to be a spirit animal or natural force, while others believe in a God. You don’t have to subscribe to a set of religious beliefs in order to benefit from believing in a higher power that connects you to your life energy. When you take the time to think about what guides you, what inspires you, and what brings you purpose, you will begin to have a better understanding of your higher power. Recovery is a process, and one where you need guidance from other people and from a power bigger than yourself. When you can let go and give up your problems to your higher power, suddenly recovery becomes an easier challenge to tackle.
Addiction and Losing Your Spirituality
Spirituality in recovery is important because addiction causes a loss of your spirituality and ability to change. Your life becomes focused on your addiction, and you can’t see beyond your own needs. You might think spirituality in recovery is not for you. This is a common thought, and you don’t have to accept any set of beliefs in order to connect with a higher power. As you learn more about spirituality in recovery, you might experience:
- That believing in a higher power allows you to let go of the things you can’t control and focus on what you can
- A feeling of comfort and peace when you understand you are protected by a higher power
- Resistance from family and friends as you talk about your connection to a higher power
- A better understanding of who you are and what your purpose in life is
When you reconnect to your spirituality, you are going to feel whole again. While addiction takes away from who you are, spirituality fills you back up again. You gain a perspective on yourself that you might not have had in the past. You can heal from your addiction when you connect to a power that is beyond yourself.
Get the Recovery Help You Need
Take your life back from addiction today. Contact BoardPrep Recovery Center® at 866.796.4720 and learn more about the services we offer. You can heal from addiction, but you have to make the choice to call for help.